Cinta (Dian Sastrowardoyo), a teenager in suburban Jakarta, spends all of her time with her four girlfriends, Maura (Titi Kamal), Alya (Ladya Cheryl), Carmen (Adinia Wirasti) and Milly (Sissy Priscillia) – that is, until she falls for Rangga (Nicholas Saputra), the unassuming winner of the school poetry contest. Rangga’s presence triggers the jealousy of Cinta’s best friends, and things get more challenging for the couple when the girls pressure Cinta to choose between them and Rangga. A sharply etched yet humorous love story of growing infatuation, ambivalence and near misunderstanding between two idealistic teenagers, Cinta and Rangga, at a high school in Jakarta. This sophisticated and charming film provides an engaging portrait of middle-class teenagers.
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Ada Apa Dengan Cinta (2002)
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Quality: WEB-DL
Year: 2002
Duration: 112 Min
Language:Bahasa indonesia
Director:Rudy Soedjarwo